'via Blog this'
This is a great Blog Carnival for the Chronically Awesome. I will be taking part in this project, and I encourage the Chronically Awesome Community to do the same.
From the Oh My Aches and Pains! Call for submissions post:
It's a fact that modern life can be stressful. Just ask anyone, healthy or sick. Stress is so prevalent that the entire month of April is designated Stress Awareness Month.
And there is no doubt that chronic illness is one HUGE source of stress. Or that living with chronic illness brings with it a whole set of new stressors. I recently wrote about those stressors in another post and they include:
- reduced physical and/or mental capabilities
- fluctuating health status
- financial challenges
- the repercussions on your relationships
- the impact on your self-image and self-worth
- the physical, mental and emotional burdens of being sick
For all these reasons and more, I've decided to make The Stresses of Chronic Illness the topic for the April edition of the Patients for a Moment (PFAM) blog carnival.
I'm looking to curate a collection of essays about how difficult life with chronic illness can be. So write about the all the big or little things that cause you stress and make life with chronic illness challenging. Those things can include your take on dysfunction in the health care system, health care policies that don't work and misconceptions about people living with chronic health problems.
You have my permission to vent as long as you also include some suggestions, tips and advice on how you cope with the stressor(s) you discuss in your post.
For more information on submitting, click the link at the top of this post. Happy Blogging!
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