Sunday, May 27, 2012

An Ableist, AntiSemetic Troll Walks Into A Podcast...

An Ableist, AntiSemetic Troll Walks Into A Podcast...: Yesterday I was trolled. It was really quite awful if I must be honest. I don't want to admit it because when I do, the troll wins. I think what bothers me the most is that he revealed a chink in my Chronically Awesome Armor. He got to me to go from strong and mighty Jules to crying baby Juli that could not deal with it, could not ignore, could not overcome the stupidity... (you hooked me, let me read the rest)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

So I have THAT going for me!

So I have THAT going for me!

This is my most recent post on

Mostly it explores my recent diagnosis with EDS. This dx came, interestingly, just a week before the start of Ehlers-Danlos Awareness Month. Also, if you visit the site regularly you will notice new design.

Thanks for checking it out!